FY2009 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

Here’s the House version of the bill, in case you want to read it through in detail; there’s also some analysis from Govtrack.us which is alot more valuable for most of us:

Note: The numbers of the bills are confusing, as is which came first.  But bottom line, this bill was combined with the continuining resolution (H.R. 2638) for most of the federal government, so the text of the Homeland Security appropriations bill shows up as Division D of H.R. 2638 (pages 194 – 291), and will actually be voted on as part of the continuing resolution (not separately).

Federal funding delays probably won’t affect Homeland Security

Current word is that most federal government spending will be funded by a continuing resolution through March (current date is March 6, 2009).

However, although there are no guarantees yet, this probably will NOT include Homeland Security – the Homeland Security Appropriations bill is expected to be passed before Congress adjourns for the year.

Note: If you don’t know what a “continuing resolution” is, it’s basically a stop-gap to continue funding at current levels.  In really basic terms, this means that the federal government will only spend money to continue current operations (at the current funding levels), not funding any new programs until March 6.  In January and February (after the new President takes office), they’ll pass the “real” appropriations bills, which will include any new programs or changes to the current funding levels.